Human Rights Violations Control Cell (HRVCC), a not-for-profit organisation was founded on 21st January, 2011. Registered under Indian Trust Act 1882 as Registration No. 1111 at New Delhi and has been working throughout India since then. HRVCC teams of acquainted professionals from respective fields, former bureaucrats & custodians of law, social activists, lawyers, bollywood stars, eminent members of society dedicated towards the cause of safeguarding the human rights of their fellow citizens have been working relentlessly for the achievements of the aims and objectives of HRVCC by spreading awareness amongst general public about the Human Rights and Social Justice in India one can enjoy and achieve as guaranteed under our constitution, by using the prevalent legal system in the country. HRVCC unites likeminded Human Rights groups scattered in different pockets of the country making them a party to grass-root development of the needy around them and supports every cause related to social movements in order to ensure and uphold the rights of the poverty-stricken and the marginalised people.
HRVCC provides Free Legal-aid to the needy, files and fights Public Interest Litigations for the benefit of society at large, Advocacy, organises Legal Awareness Programmes besides the legal cell of
HRVCC undertakes spot investigation of any type of violations of human rights, also brings-out regular Publications raising the voice of the marginalised by publishing People’s Rights materials and participates in human rights campaigns.
The founder Chairman of the organisation Shri Mukesh Pandey, a Journalist by profession, is wholly dedicated towards the protection of human rights of our fellow-citizens and delivery of social justice to common people. The needy is just a Free Phone call away from HRVCC. Simply dial our Free Help Line No. 1800110041 and get instant solution of your problems from experts dealing with respective fields, Free of Cost.
HRVCC is earnestly working for strengthening of various people’s organisations and like-minded NGOs to give voice to their struggles for safeguarding the Fundamental Human Rights of society around us and to bring forward their much needed participation to write a successful developmental script for the overall - Financial, Cultural, Educational, Social and Democratic development of our prudent, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-faceted society in the way to make India a balanced Global Super Power with equally rising graph of Human Development Index of the country.